Category Archives: car inspection

Vehicle Standards Information No.50 (VSI 50)

Looks like VSI 50 is back on the agenda.

Remember the rush last year when VSI50 was introduced by the NSW RTA, there were not enough Signatories to go round.

The thing I remember most about this was how many desperate customers I had to turn away due to the fact that there are only so many hours in a day, and a looming 2 week cut-off date before VSI50 took effect. Of the vehicles inspected at this time, the majority of required minor (and in a few cases major) modifications in order to comply with both federal (ADR) and state regulations as well as general vehicle safety requirements. After the initial vehicle inspection many people were then faced with the dilemma of getting noted faults rectified, back to me for there final appoval inspection/testing, then into a blue slip garage (AUVIS), and finally submitting the information to the RTA, all within the RTA specified time constraints.
